Parent and Student Portal Information
Haga clic aquí por Instrucciones de cuenta en el portal del estudiante en espanol.
Our student management system, eSchoolData, offers both parents and students on-line access to records. Both the Parent Portal and Student Portal contain report cards, progress reports, assignment grades, student schedules and attendance records. For seniors, transcript information will also be available.
Create a Student Account
Students can access schedules, attendance records, report cards, progress reports and grade book information online by signing in to the STUDENT PORTAL. Your username is the same as the account you use to log in to the network at school, followed by (ex.
f you already have a portal account, your password will remain the same. If you have never logged in to the portal, you can obtain instructions, including a default password, in the Counseling Center.
eSchoolData Mobile App
The eSchoolData Mobile App is available from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Search for eSchoolData and look for the ESD logo or use Mobile Web, a mobile-friendly website with no download required.