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Fifth Graders show off their literary accomplishments at Vernon’s Writing Celebration

Fifth Graders show off their literary accomplishments at Vernon’s Writing Celebration thumbnail259143

Last Thursday the talented fifth graders of James H. Vernon Elementary School in Oyster Bay dazzled with their remarkable progress in creative writing over the past year. The Vernon Writing Celebration marked the culmination of their hard work, showcasing a spectrum of literary achievements, ranging from compelling feature articles to evocative poetry and meticulously researched pieces.

Parents were warmly welcomed into the classroom to witness their children’s work firsthand. Teachers orchestrated a diverse array of presentations, ranging from captivating videos to engaging live readings, ensuring a memorable experience for all attendees.

Throughout the year, the fifth graders demonstrated unwavering dedication, pouring their hearts and minds into honing their writing skills. The Writing Celebration served as a fitting tribute to their hard work and dedication, providing a joyous finale to a year marked by extraordinary growth and accomplishment.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 6/3/2024